Monday 4 June 2012

Configuration Wizard in Websphere portal server 8.0

The configuration wizard helps you create custom scripts with instructions, called workflows. Workflows are used to configure different aspects of IBM WebSphere Portal.

Key points to remember about the configuration wizard:
  • Installed with WebSphere Portal, but not running by default.
  • Accessed from the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.
  • Uses information that you provide to customize a workflow.
  • Allows you to check log files or identify errors at a quick glance from the Home page.
  • Provides a web interface, as an alternative to customizing a workflow, to run ConfigEngine tasks.

Accessing the configuration wizard

The configuration wizard runs as a separate application on the IBM® WebSphere® Application Server. The configuration wizard is installed with IBM WebSphere Portal but is not started by default. You must start the server to access the configuration wizard.
  1. Open a command prompt, and change to the directory:
    • Windows™: AppServer_root\profiles\cw_profile\bin
  2. Enter the following command:
    • Windows: startServer.bat server1
  3. Log in to the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.
Access the configuration wizard by entering http://your_server:9060/ibm/console/ in a browser.
  1. Click Configuration Wizard.
Transfer databases
Connect to existing database domains
Enable federated LDAP security
Enable stand-alone LDAP security
Create a static cluster
Start Websphere Portal server
Stop WebSphere Portal Server
Restart WebSphere Portal Server
Recycle managed WebSphere Portal cell
Files created by the configuration wizard
Instruction file (html) named after your workflow
    The instruction file provides you with tailored steps for your configuration and your target operating system. Based on the information provided when customizing your workflow, an instruction file is created to guide you in running scripts in combination with other manual configuration steps for your specific configuration goal.
    Depending on the conditions of your environment, the script files use a .sh or .bat file extension or are simple text files. Use the scripts, along with other manual configuration steps described by your instruction file, to perform your configuration. For example, your workflow may provide you with a script to run a ConfigEngine task rather than you running the task.
Updated properties
    Configuration helper files with updated property values entered for your configuration are created when customizing your workflow. You can use these helper files to save time later.

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