Tuesday, 27 March 2012

ObjectName, Attribute, and AttributeList classes using wsadmin scripting

WebSphere® Application Server scripting commands use the underlying Java Management Extensions (JMX) classes, ObjectName, Attribute, and AttributeList, to manipulate object names, attributes and attribute lists respectively.

The WebSphere Application Server ObjectName class uniquely identifies running objects. 

The ObjectName class consists of the following elements:
  • The domain name WebSphere.
  • Several key properties, for example:
    • type - Indicates the type of object that is accessible through the MBean, for example, ApplicationServer, and EJBContainer.
    • name - Represents the display name of the particular object, for example, MyServer.
    • node - Represents the name of the node on which the object runs.
    • process - Represents the name of the server process in which the object runs.
    • mbeanIdentifier - Correlates the MBean instance with corresponding configuration data.
When ObjectName classes are represented by strings, they have the following pattern:

For example, you can specify WebSphere:name="My Server",type=ApplicationServer,node=n1,* to specify an application server named My Server. on node n1. (The asterisk (*) is a wildcard character, used so that you do not have to specify the entire set of key properties.)


Obtain the object name with the completeObjectName

server1 = AdminControl.completeObjectName('node=mynode,type=Server,name=server1,*')

Obtain the object name with the queryNames command

server = AdminControl.queryNames('node=mynode,type=Server,name=server1,*')
If there are several MBeans that match the template, the completeObjectName command only returns the first match. The matching MBean object name is then assigned to a variable. If there are more than one running objects returned from the queryNames command, the objects are returned in a list syntax.

To display the operations for the server MBean
print Help.operations(server)

To Invoke the operation

traceServ = AdminControl.completeObjectName('type=TraceService,process=server1,*')

You can modify multiple attribute name and value pairs  for  server ts1

ts1 = AdminControl.completeObjectName('type=TraceService,process=server1,*')

AdminControl.setAttributes(ts1,[['ringBufferSize',10],['traceSpecification',  'com.ibm.*=all=disabled']])

Another way,
ts1 =AdminControl.completeObjectName('type=TraceService,process=server1,*')

AdminControl.setAttributes(ts1,'[[ringBufferSize 10] [traceSpecification  com.ibm.*=all=disabled]]')