The AdminControl object is similar in many ways to the AdminConfig object. The primary difference between the two is that the AdminConfig object is used to manipulate configuration objects (represented using XML), and the AdminControl object is used to manipulate active application server objects (by interacting with managed beans—MBeans). One implication of this is that in order for this object to function, wsadmin must be connected to an active application server (the AdminControl object is not available when wsadmin is used in local mode)
The AdminControl object enables the manipulation of MBeans running in a WebSphere server process. The number and type of MBeans available to the scripting client depends on the server to which the client is connected. If the client is connected to a Deployment Manager, then all the MBeans running in the Deployment Manager are visible, as are all the MBeans running in the Node Agents connected to this Deployment Manager, and all the MBeans running in the application servers on those nodes.
The AdminControl scripting object is used for operational control. It communicates with MBeans that represent live objects running a WebSphere® server process. It includes commands to query existing running objects and their attributes and invoke operation on the running objects. In addition to the operational commands, the AdminControl object supports commands to query information on the connected server, convenient commands for client tracing, reconnecting to a server, and start and stop server for network deployment environment.
Note that many of these commands support two different sets of signatures: one that accepts and returns strings, and one low-level set that works with JMX objects like ObjectName and AttributeList. In most situations, the string signatures are likely to be more useful, but JMX-object signature versions are supplied as well. Each of these JMX-object signature commands has "_jmx" appended to the command name. Hence there is an "invoke" command, as well as a "invoke_jmx" command.
To see a list of all available commands for the AdminControl object:
Methods in AdminControl
Name | Description |
completeObjectName | Return a String version of an object name given a template name |
getAttribute_jmx | Given ObjectName and name of attribute, returns value of attribute |
getAttribute | Given String version of ObjectName and name of attribute, returns value of attribute |
getAttributes_jmx | Given ObjectName and array of attribute names, returns AttributeList. |
getAttributes | Given String version of ObjectName and attribute names,returns String of name value pairs. |
getCell | returns the cell name of the connected server |
getConfigId | Given String version of ObjectName, return a configuration ID for the corresponding configuration object, if any. |
getDefaultDomain | returns "WebSphere" |
getDomainName | returns "WebSphere” |
getHost | returns String representation of connected host |
getMBeanCount | returns number of registered beans |
getMBeanInfo_jmx | Given ObjectName, returns MBeanInfo structure for MBean |
getNode | returns the node name of the connected server |
getObjectInstance | Given String version of ObjectName, returns ObjectInstance object that match. |
getPort | returns String representation of port in use |
getType | returns String representation of connection type in use |
help | Show help information |
invoke_jmx | Given ObjectName, name of method, array of parameters and signature, invoke method on MBean specified |
invoke | Invoke a method on the specified MBean |
isRegistered_jmx | true if supplied ObjectName is registered |
isRegistered | true if supplied String version of ObjectName is registered |
makeObjectName | Return an ObjectName built with the given string |
queryNames_jmx | Given ObjectName and QueryExp, retrieves set of ObjectNames that match |
queryNames | Given String version of ObjectName, retrieves String of ObjectNames that match. |
queryMBeans | Given String version of ObjectName, returns a set of ObjectInstances object that match. |
reconnect | reconnects with server |
setAttribute_jmx | Given ObjectName and Attribute object, set attribute for MBean specified |
setAttribute | Given String version of ObjectName, attribute name and attribute value, set attribute for MBean specified |
setAttributes_jmx | Given ObjectName and AttributeList object, set attributes for the MBean specified |
setAttributes | Given String version of ObjectName, attribute name and value pairs, set attributes for the MBean specified |
startServer | Given the name of a server, start that server |
stopServer | Given the name of a server, stop that server. |
testConnection | Test the connection to a DataSource object |
trace | Set the wsadmin trace specification |