Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Batch Mode in AdminTask

The following example invokes an administrative command with no target object, argument, or step:

print AdminTask.listNodes()

The following example invokes an administrative command with a target object string:

s1 = AdminConfig.getid('/Server:server1/')
print AdminTask.showServerInfo(s1)

{cell myCell}
{node myNode}
{server server1}

The following example invokes an administrative command with an option string:

print AdminTask.getNodeMajorVersion('[-nodeName myNode]')

The following example invokes an administrative command with a target object and non-step option strings:

ra = AdminConfig.getid('/J2CResourceAdapter:myResourceAdapter/')
AdminTask.createJ2CConnectionFactory(ra, '[-name myJ2CCF -jndiName j2c/cf -connectionFactoryInterface

 The following example invokes an administrative command with a target object and a step option:

serverCluster = AdminConfig.getid('/ServerCluster:myCluster/')
AdminTask.createClusterMember(serverCluster, '[-memberConfig [[myNode myClusterMember "" "" false false]]]')