Wednesday, 10 December 2014

New Features of WebSphere Portal Server 8.5 CF3

Theme analyzer for portlet modules
You can see what resources are coming from the theme and what resources are coming from the portlets on the page. Support for pages was also extended to the export theme data function, so your output includes page, theme, and profile information.

Resource Aggregation for portlets
The system resource aggregator automatically loads dependencies on capabilities for portlets, if the theme metadata resourceaggregation.autoLoadPortletCapabilities is set to true. These capabilities and modules load automatically regardless of the profile on the page, if the capabilities and modules are installed and active anywhere on the system. The resource aggregator for portlets:
  • Reduces the profile size
  • Reduces the number of profiles that are required
  • Reduces the need to modify the theme (a profile) or page (which profile assigned) to use certain portlets on a page
  • Makes the system overall simpler and easier to use.
This feature requires configuration if your custom theme was created from the Portal 8.5 theme on a system before CF03. Connect to your WebDAV and edit the local copy of your file. Set the theme metadata resourceaggregation.autoLoadPortletCapabilities to true.
Public ResourceCombinerService API

Use the ResourceCombinerService public API for portlets that must link multiple resources on a page. The ResourceCombinerService public API links these resources in a combined, optimized way to keep the number of requests to a minimum.

Web Application Bridge Mobile support
Mobile support is provided for web applications that were developed and tested for rendering inside mobile device browsers.

SmartCloud for Social Business HTTP Outbound
You can now activate outbound HTTP connections to remote resources with IBM Connections in SmartCloud for Social Business by using SAML 2.0 tokens.

 Windows Mobile Support

Device detection has been added for Windows Mobile devices. Windows smart phones can render the mobile theme instead of the full desktop version of the theme.