Sunday, 28 December 2014

Exporting and transferring parts of a portal configuration

You can import the XML file into another portal to create a copy of the page, this importation requires that the referenced resources (such as the portlet and the content parents) also exist on the target portal and can be found by an identifying attribute. In that case, the page and all contained resources take their object IDs with them so that they have the same object IDs on the source and target system - the resources retain their identity. You can avoid that by using the ID generating mode. For more information, see the XML reference documentation. When you use the ID generating mode, the object IDs in the input are not taken literally, but during the import process the resources obtain new object IDs when they are created on the target system. You apply ID generating mode by adding the following attribute to the main request tag:

<request . . . create-oids="true" . . . >