This task uploads archive or compressed files to portal WebDAV folders.
Syntax: ConfigEngine.bat webdav-deploy-zip-file
Mandatory parameters to be specified on the command line or in the file
- WasUserid The WebSphere® Application Server user ID
- WasPassword The WebSphere Application Server password
- PortalAdminId The portal administrator user ID
- PortalAdminPwd The portal administrator password
Mandatory parameters to be specified on the command line only:
- TargetURI The URI of the WebDAV folder where you want the archive or compressed file to be extracted.
- The following two parameters are mutually exclusive:
- ZipFilePath The file system path to the archive or compressed file. Do not use this parameter combined with the parameter ZipFileClassPath.
- ZipFileClassPath The Java class path to the to the archive or compressed file. Do not use this parameter combined with the parameterZipFilePath.
Optional parameters to be specified on the command line only:
- UpdateMode (=replace) The default value for this parameter is replace . If you want to merge the content of the archive or compressed file with the content that already exists at the given URI, set this parameter to the value merge . In this case files that do not yet exist are created, existing files are updated, and no files are deleted.
- VirtualPortalContext or VirtualPortalHost Use this parameter to identify the virtual portal. Only pages contained in the specified virtual portal are refreshed. If you omit this parameter, by default no virtual portal page layout is refreshed.
./ webdav-deploy-zip-file -DTargetURI=dav:themelist/mytheme/
-DZipFilePath=/tmp/ -DUpdateMode=merge