By default, internal users cannot create content that is visible to external users. To allow collaboration between internal users and external users, you must assign the EMPLOYEE_EXTENDED role to the internal users. Only users with the EMPLOYEE_EXTENDED role can create content that can be shared with external users. However, the content can be shared by any internal user. To remove the EMPLOYEE_EXTENDED role from a user, assign the EMPLOYEE role or the DEFAULT_ROLE role to that user.
EMPLOYEE: Assign this role to users who are not allowed to create content that is visible to external users. EMPLOYEE is a constant that resolves to the string "employee".
EMPLOYEE_EXTENDED: Assign this role to users who are allowed to create content that is visible to external users. EMPLOYEE_EXTENDED is a constant that resolves to the string "employee.extended".
Steps to follow add/change the role:
1. In Cmd,C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\Dmgr01\bin>wsadmin.bat -lang jython -user lc
admin -password passw0rd_123 -port 8879
2. wsadmin>execfile("")
3. ProfilesService.setRole("", EMPLOYEE_EXTENDED) à setRole Command processed user role 'employee.extended' for user
In fig,External Access is available for
4. In EMP_ROLE_MAP table,employee role_id is mapped as employee.extended