Saturday, 19 July 2014

Setting user roles for external collaboration

By default, internal users cannot create content that is visible to external users. To allow collaboration between internal users and external users, you must assign the EMPLOYEE_EXTENDED role to the internal users. Only users with the EMPLOYEE_EXTENDED role can create content that can be shared with external users. However, the content can be shared by any internal user. To remove the EMPLOYEE_EXTENDED role from a user, assign the EMPLOYEE role or the DEFAULT_ROLE role to that user.


EMPLOYEE: Assign this role to users who are not allowed to create content that is visible to external users. EMPLOYEE is a constant that resolves to the string "employee".

EMPLOYEE_EXTENDED: Assign this role to users who are allowed to create content that is visible to external users. EMPLOYEE_EXTENDED is a constant that resolves to the string "employee.extended".


Steps to follow add/change the role:

1. In Cmd,C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\Dmgr01\bin>wsadmin.bat -lang jython -user lc

admin -password passw0rd_123 -port 8879

2. wsadmin>execfile("")

3. ProfilesService.setRole("", EMPLOYEE_EXTENDED) à setRole Command processed user role 'employee.extended' for user


In fig,External Access is available for


4. In EMP_ROLE_MAP table,employee role_id is mapped as employee.extended