The wiki includes:
- Product Documentation tab which includes:
- Overview of the product with new feature highlights, product features, and accessibility
- Planning information for deployment
- Installation instructions targeted to single server for proof-of-concepts or development servers, stand-alone production, and clustered production environments
- Configuration options that are typically done one time, or infrequently, and have global effect on the portal
- Administration tasks for day to day usage
- Integration instructions
- Development information to help you develop portlets and applications
- Troubleshooting information with logging and tracing information
- Messages to help you diagnose and troubleshoot issues
- Supplemental guides, such as the Performance and Tuning Guide
- IBM Redbooks
- Best Practices
- Deployment scenarios
- Multimedia offerings, such as task-based demonstrations and videos
- Reference cards
Key points
to remember about the wiki:
- Information previously delivered in the information center is now delivered from the Product Documentation tab of the wiki.
- The content is experience driven
- You can edit articles, add comments, and author your own articles
- The wiki is monitored by IBM
- You can subscribe to RSS feeds for new articles, comments, and recent edits