Sunday, 3 June 2012

Integration with IBM Connections

Integrate IBM® Connections into your site using community pages and IBM Connections Portlets.
IBM Connections Portlets
Connection portlets are not installed with the portal but you can easily download them from IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog.

The portlet includes activities, blogs, blog summary, bookmarks, bookmarks summary, profiles, profiles summary, wikis, forums, forums summary, community overview, and tags.
Community pages
Portlets on community pages are automatically scoped to the community membership and display content from the community in the portlets. For example, if your community contains a forum you can add the forum portlet to a community page. The portal site visitors can view and interact with the forum content from the portal site.

You can automatically create new communities for your pages during the page template instantiation.
Search integration
Integrating IBM Connections content into your portal search makes it easier for site visitors to find community content. Visitors can search for a term and see results from your portal site and IBM Connections. Each IBM Connections component has a unique seedlist provider. To configure your portal search to include IBM Connections content, you must configure a content source for each seedlist. Instructions are provided in the IBM Connections product documentation.
Tag integration
You can configure you portal tag cloud to include tags from IBM Connections. This configuration makes it easier for your site users to find content in the communities.

You can also add the IBM Connections Tags Portlet to a page. Then you can wire it to other IBM Connections portlets. Then site visitors can use tags to find community content faster in blogs, wikis, and more.
Profiles integration
You can configure your portal site to show IBM Connections business card information. Names associated with IBM Connections profiles display as active links. Your site visitors click the name to see the business card. From the business card visitors can link to communities, blogs, and more for the selected user.
Files integration
Content authors can easily create links to files stored on IBM Connections. From the rich text editor, in IBM Web Content Manager, the author can browse Files. Authors can also use Web Content Manager markup generation to render the current contents of specific IBM Connections Folders.

Integration with IBM Connections Files is based on the generic Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS).