Monday, 19 May 2014

Searching in examine all modules in theme analyzer in IBM WebSphere portal Server 8.5

In Module explorer,using the search bar you can  search the tree view and the details view for various information.

 Module Identifier

You can search for a specific module by name. For example, wp_client_main.

Search for the module that exposes a certain resource. For example, enter master.css to identify the module that exposes this resource. This search is useful if you find an error in a JavaScript file in your browser. You can easily find the module that this resource belongs to.

 Search for the modules that are associated with a specific capability. For example, if you want to know which module provides the dojo capability. Then, you know which module you must add as a prerequisite for your own module.

Reference Identifiers

Search for which dynamic content spot or module reference is exposed by which module.