Dynamic user interfaces, or dynamic UIs, are portlets or pages that are dynamically created based on the definition of an existing page or portlet definition.Because of its dynamic nature, the interface is not persisted in the portal database and has a maximum lifetime of the user's session with the portal. The interface can also be closed prior to the end of the session either programmatically or by the user. When a portlet launches a dynamic page, the new page instance appears in the navigation under a node created just for containing dynamic pages. This node is called an extension node.
In this example,My current page uniquename is lanuchpage.
i Created a page (acts as dynamic page) and uniquename for the page is poppage.
To make poppage as extension node(dynamic page).
ConfigEngine.bat action-enable-page-as-extension-node-wp.dynamicui.config
Sample Code:
package com.ibm.mydynamicuimanagementfactoryservice;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.naming.CompositeName;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.Name;
import javax.portlet.*;
import util.LocalizedImpl;
import com.ibm.portal.ObjectID;
import com.ibm.portal.dynamicui.DynamicUICtrl;
import com.ibm.portal.portlet.service.PortletServiceHome;
import com.ibm.portal.portlet.service.dynamicui.DynamicUIManagementFactoryService;
import com.ibm.portal.portlet.service.state.RedirectURLGeneratorFactoryService;
import com.ibm.portal.state.EngineURL;
import com.ibm.portal.state.RedirectURLGenerator;
import com.ibm.wps.engine.localized.LocalizedContextHomeImpl;
import com.ibm.wps.engine.localized.LocalizedContextImpl;
* A sample portlet based on GenericPortlet
public class MyDynamicUIManagementFactoryServicePortlet extends GenericPortlet {
public static final String JSP_FOLDER = "/_MyDynamicUIManagementFactoryService/jsp/"; // JSP folder name
public static final String VIEW_JSP = "MyDynamicUIManagementFactoryServicePortletView"; // JSP file name to be rendered on the view mode
* @see javax.portlet.Portlet#init()
private DynamicUIManagementFactoryService dynamicUIManagerFactoryService;
private RedirectURLGeneratorFactoryService redirectService;
PortletServiceHome psh;
public void init() throws PortletException{
Context context;
try {
context = new InitialContext();
// Obtain a reference to the Dynamic UI Management Factory service
psh = (PortletServiceHome) context.lookup("portletservice/com.ibm.portal.portlet.service.dynamicui.DynamicUIManagementFactoryService");
dynamicUIManagerFactoryService = (DynamicUIManagementFactoryService) psh.getPortletService(DynamicUIManagementFactoryService.class);
psh = (PortletServiceHome)context.lookup("portletservice/com.ibm.portal.portlet.service.state.RedirectURLGeneratorFactoryService");
redirectService = (RedirectURLGeneratorFactoryService)psh.getPortletService(RedirectURLGeneratorFactoryService.class);
catch(Exception e)
* Serve up the <code>view</code> mode.
* @see javax.portlet.GenericPortlet#doView(javax.portlet.RenderRequest, javax.portlet.RenderResponse)
public void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException {
// Set the MIME type for the render response
PortletRequestDispatcher rd = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher(getJspFilePath(request, VIEW_JSP));
* Process an action request.
* @see javax.portlet.Portlet#processAction(javax.portlet.ActionRequest, javax.portlet.ActionResponse)
public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) throws PortletException, java.io.IOException
// Lookup ID of the page to be launched
Context ctx = new InitialContext();
Name uniqueName = new CompositeName("portal:uniquename");
uniqueName.add("lanuchpage");//Current page uniquename
ObjectID oidForUniqueName = (ObjectID) ctx.lookup(uniqueName);
// Launch dynamic page
DynamicUICtrl DynamicUICtrl = dynamicUIManagerFactoryService.getDynamicUICtrl(request, response,"poppage");
ObjectID launchedPageID = DynamicUICtrl.addPage(oidForUniqueName, new LocalizedImpl("Book flight", "Dynamic page to book a flight"), null);
// Redirect to launched page
RedirectURLGenerator redirector = redirectService.getURLGenerator(request, response);
EngineURL redirectURL = redirector.createPageURL(launchedPageID);
catch (Exception e)
* Returns JSP file path.
* @param request Render request
* @param jspFile JSP file name
* @return JSP file path
private static String getJspFilePath(RenderRequest request, String jspFile) {
String markup = request.getProperty("wps.markup");
if( markup == null )
markup = getMarkup(request.getResponseContentType());
return JSP_FOLDER + markup + "/" + jspFile + "." + getJspExtension(markup);
* Convert MIME type to markup name.
* @param contentType MIME type
* @return Markup name
private static String getMarkup(String contentType) {
if( "text/vnd.wap.wml".equals(contentType) )
return "wml";
return "html";
* Returns the file extension for the JSP file
* @param markupName Markup name
* @return JSP extension
private static String getJspExtension(String markupName) {
return "jsp";
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